jueves, 18 de octubre de 1554

27 años

El Emperador a Don Juan Manrique de Lara (embajador imperial en Roma)


When Eraso went back to England the other day, one point of his instructions was to submit to the King the request you made some time ago to leave Rome and return to this Court, and to request him, as the Marquis of Sarriá was delaying so long, to send some one else to fill the place until Sarriá arrives or another appointment is made. Eraso was also to explain to the King that we wish to comply with your wishes in this matter; and as our son has the same desire he already has a person in view who is very soon to start on his journey, so your mind may be at rest.

The King and Queen of England, our son and daughter, are full of zeal for the restoration of that realm to the ancient and true religion. Since seeing Legate Pole's brief, they have discussed the manner in which this most important negotiation may be handled with the best chances of success, for their and our aim is solely God's service and the establishment of the authority of the apostolic see. They have several times consulted us, and have now come to the conclusion that it would be well to send hither some one to explain to the Legate how matters stand in England, and what medicine, in the opinion of those conversant with English symptoms, is required in order to cure so dangerous a wound. This envoy would then go on to Rome and beg his Holiness to extend the powers given to the Legate, assuring him that no one could possibly desire to see the realm return to its obeisance more ardently than the King and Queen. This has ever been our aim, and it was certainly the main reason for which we arranged the marriage, so we replied to the effect that we agreed that this would be the best way to attain the hoped-for result.

In the meantime we arrived here and gave audience to the Legate, who could find nothing better to say than that he had been here a long time, that the present was a very opportune moment for settling the religious question, and to beg us to allow him to go on to England and execute his commission. We were awaiting the arrival of the person who was to come from that country, as we have told you; and as we could not give the Legate any answer until then we thought it best to temporise. So we explained to him at some length how much we and our son desired the success of this undertaking, and that our reason for delaying it had been merely to avoid the irremediable disaster that would be sure to ensue were it pressed at an inopportune time. Two things, we said, were necessary. First, we must see what powers he had to negotiate and whether he could show us any further guarantees that he would be able to succeed; and second, he must write out a statement of the use to which he intended to put his powers, which statement should be examined here by persons who desired, no less than he himself could, to see English affairs remedied, and communicated to men of experience in England, of whose advice and assistance the King and Queen intended to avail themselves.

The Cardinal has set about this task in the spirit of one who realises that it is the best way to make a beginning. Our son had decided, on the 16th instant, to send Renard hither to give a detailed account of the state of affairs in England and the aspects of the religious question; but Parliament is to meet on November 12th, and time is getting short as by that date it is absolutely necessary to have a reply from his Holiness about the extension of the Legate's powers, for then will be the moment to bring the matter forward, so we are sending you this courier with instructions to speak to the Pope. You will tell him how zealous the King and Queen are, and explain that the main difficulty lies in the obstinacy of the holders of Church property, who care more for temporal riches than for their soul's welfare, and fear to be dispossessed. They are very numerous and seduce the people by conjuring up false chimeras before their eyes to keep them from the accomplishment of their duty, wherefore may his Holiness be pleased to give the Legate wider powers to dissipate the suspicions of these folk. It will be particularly essential to change the wording of two clauses that are noted in the copy of the brief we are now sending to you, concerning the alienation of real estate and the reference of grave difficulties to his Holiness, as well as the date of the brief, which must be later than the consummation of the marriage, for thus it will have greater weight as you will see at length from letters from our son carried by the courier, to which we refer you.

On hearing that the courier had orders not to delay here we thought he might be carrying a despatch about the religious question. We also remembered that, as a letter was sent to you from Valenciennes on the 6th instant telling you to accept if the Duke of Florence asked you to take charge of the expedition against Siena, you might be perplexed by these cross-instructions, so we decided to open the despatch addressed to you. We realise how important it is to act promptly, for were we to lose the opportunity offered by Parliament it might not be possible to bring the matter up again until next winter, whilst at present, by God's grace, there seem to be good chances of success; and we have closed the despatch again, only adding this letter to give you a summary account of the antecedents of this negotiation and our reasons for having opened your letter and kept back the courier this afternoon. You will have to decide whether your presence is required to guide the campaign against Siena, or whether without running any risks you will be able to go to Rome for a few days and attend to this matter. If, as we suppose, you are able to go in person to Rome, you will do so without losing a single hour, and we are sending you a letter of credence to the Pope which you will present together with the one from our son, the King. You will urge his Holiness to deal with the matter without delay, and make it clear to him that although we want the powers extended in order to guard against the failure of so holy an undertaking, inspired by zeal for the honour of God, the apostolic see's authority and desire to come to the rescue of a multitude of souls, the greatest care shall be taken to use the powers with the utmost discretion, never spending four where three would do, as they say and we told the Legate the last time we gave him audience. You will make sure that the powers are so clear and distinct that the King and Queen, their ministers and everyone who may have occasion to see them may be rid of all doubt or uncertainty as to their real import, and that no opening may be given to demands for explanations that would create delays and ruin the whole negotiation. In order to give the Legate an opportunity of making himself useful and putting in his word with his Holiness as a person who understands what is needed in England, we sent the Bishop of Arras to speak with him and tell him of this courier's departure. He has done so this evening in order to persuade the Cardinal and the Nuncio, who was also present, to write to his Holiness in support of our request; and both of them realised that it was the only way of achieving anything and proclaimed themselves very glad to write copiously, thanking us and our son for taking such great pains in the matter. Both of them were urged to do so quickly and also to keep the secret, for the French always have their eyes open for a chance to do harm; but we need not make the same remarks to you, for you are quite prudent enough to realise their force of your own accord.

When you have concluded this negotiation, you may return to Florence and leave Rome for good. You will then be free to take the Sienese matter in hand if you think your presence is required in the present circumstances, or come hither if you desire to do so immediately on the arrival of the person who, as we said above, has already left to relieve you.

Copy or decipher. Spanish.


Simancas, E.508.

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 13, 1554-1558

Edited by Royall Tyler.

Published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.



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