jueves, 26 de julio de 1554
Noticia de la boda de Felipe y Maria Tudor de Simon Renard
M. de Courrieres and Simon Renard (the Emperor's ambassadors in England) to the Emperor
His Highness landed last Friday at Southampton, where he was received by the High Treasurer of England, and before he set foot on shore the Earl of Arundel, accompanied by the Queen's Master of the Horse and a councillor named Wharton (Sir Thomas), presented to him the Order of the Garter, which he accepted in accordance with the permission granted him by your Majesty.
He then sent Count d'Egmont to inform the Queen of his arrival, visit her, tell her of his health and assure her of his affection.
On Saturday, the Chancellor came to his Highness and brought him a diamond as a token (en signe de tock) from the Queen, after the custom of the country. The same day, the Earl of Arundel returned to the Queen, carrying to her from his Highness another token in the shape of a diamond, but considerably smaller than the first one. His Highness also sent the Lieutenant of Amont (Simon Renard) to the Queen and her Council to find out what had been arranged for the ceremony, when he was to leave Southampton for Winchester, how the marriage was to take place, how long they were to stay at Winchester, to take measures for landing the goods and people on the ships, the supply of horses and carts and many other details.
It was decided that his Highness should proceed to Winchester on the Monday and that the marriage should take place on the following Wednesday, St. James' day, after the manner observed in royal weddings in England, publicly and without any change in the ceremony. The Court is to stay at Winchester until Tuesday next; in the meantime as many horses and vehicles as may be needed are to be provided, and the road to be followed in moving hence is by Basingstoke, Reading and Windsor, where five or six days are to be spent; and from Windsor to London, where arrangements for the future shall be made.
The wedding was celebrated on St. James' day with the greatest solemnity, and those who assisted at it, gentle and simple, all expressed the liveliest satisfaction. We had forewarned his Highness that this was a democratic country (ce royaulme est populaire), and it was well to favour the people and thereby keep the ambition and inconstancy of the nobility within bounds; and we feel unable to describe in words the graciousness of his bearing towards one and all.
The same day, the Council came to own his Highness as king, and asked him what order he meant to have observed in the government of the realm, justice and administration, offering to serve him faithfully. His Highness thanked them for the goodwill they displayed, praised their zeal in public affairs, urged them to continue in the same way, and assured them that he had come to help them to the best of his ability, but not to introduce changes. As for what was to be done in the future, they must consult the Queen, and he would do his best to assist in the execution of whatever projects might be adopted.
The sword is carried before his Highness. The Queen has sent to him, by the Earl of Pembroke, a very richly wrought poignard, studded with gems, and two robes, one of them as rich and beautiful as could be imagined.
About noon of the same day (i.e. July 25th), Carvajal, captain of his Highness's fleet, arrived here and declared that all the fleet had now come up except a few hoys driven out of their course by a storm.
His Highness was overjoyed at these tidings, for he will now be able to send on the troops and money to your Majesty. We believe he will do so before he leaves this place, and he has ordered M. de Wacken to escort the fleet.
The gift of the Kingdom of Naples and renunciation in his Highness's favour came very opportunely, for the English lords were greatly pleased about it.For the rest, Sire, as our mission is now accomplished, we are awaiting your Majesty's good pleasure for our recall, so that we may come and render an account of our activities.
Signed by both. French.
Vienna, Staatsarchiv, E.22
Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 13, 1554-1558
Edited by Royall Tyler.
Published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1954.